

HHP/CA is the only organization representing the exclusive interest of today’s hearing aid specialists in the legislative and regulatory arena. HHP/CA keeps members informed about key legislative issues by posting important information on this page. Instant alerts are also sent to members via email when legislative or regulatory issues require immediate consideration.

Recent Proposed Regulations for the State of California

Hearing Aid Dispensing Advertising

The proposed changes amend section 1399.127 of Division 13.3, of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations.

The proposed regulatory changes will clarify that anyone licensed to dispense hearing aids can advertise the fitting and selling of hearing aids in accordance with Business and Professions Code section 651 and CCR section 1399.127, information required in advertisements, prohibited advertisements, and national advertisements disseminated in California.

Continuing Professional Development Requirements

The proposed changes amend sections 1399.160, 1399.160.1, 1399.160.2, 1399.160.3, and 1399.160.4 of Division 13.4, of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations.

This proposed regulation will clarify definitions to reflect advancements made to speech-language pathology and audiology continuing professional development (SLP-AU CPD) delivered online, increase the number of self-study hours to half of the total required hours, and clarify current regulations by making SLP-AU CPD requirements consistent with the Board's SLP-AU CPD audit process and professional learning requirements for similar license types and course content.

Hearing Aid Dispensers Continuing Education Requirements

The proposed changes amend sections 1399.140, 1399.140.1, and 1399.144 of Division 13.3, of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations.

This proposed change will increase the number of hours that may be obtained in related or indirect client care courses; permit other opportunities to fulfill continuing education requirements; and align these regulations with continual professional learning requirements this Board has for licensees in the practices of speech-language pathology and audiology under Article 11 of Division 13.4.

For additional information, please visit the Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology & Hearing Aid Dispensers Board by clicking here: